
Foreigner's specialized delivery health
Why not work in Shibuya, the largest city in the metropolitan area?
Thanks for exceeding 10,000 members! Very busy lady casts are not enough!
All of our customers are gentlemen and most of the women working
It is popular as "customer is more friendly than other areas".
Absolutely safe !! Absolutely safe !! Everyone can work without coming!
Very easy to work, service content is very easy ♪
Even 3 days a day to 2 days a week, even a month only OK. Anyway I can earn as much as I gained.
Of course, even beginners are welcome ♪ Anyone can work if they are over 18 years old.
Please contact us by e-mail or telephone once.
- 社名・屋号・グループ名
- Shibuya Romeo
- 応募用電話番号
- 03-6452-5705(受付時間:24hours)
- 応募用メールアドレス
- info@burondo.net
- 職種
- Foreigner's specialized delivery health
- 待機所・事務所へのアクセス
- 10 minutes on foot from Shibuya station
- 派遣先エリア
- Tokyo 23 wards, others
- 面接について
- Please bring your ID card or passport
- 応募資格
- 18 years old and over, those who have status of residence
- 勤務日
- You can decide your favorite date
- 勤務時間
- You can decide your favorite time
- 給与
- Over 1 ten thousand yen for 1 hour work, up to 100,000 yen or more per day possible
Depending on your hard work, even more than 1 million yen a month ...
- 待遇・環境
- × 実技講習なし ○ 体験入店可能 × 出張面接可能 × 面接交通費支給 × 入店祝い金あり ○ 即日勤務可能 × 脱ぎ無し ○ ソフトサービス × 出勤交通費支給 ○ 送迎あり × 個室待機あり ○ 自宅待機可能 ○ 待機方法自由 ○ 直行直帰可能 × 最低給与保証あり × マスコミ手当あり ○ 指名料バックあり ○ 完全日払い制 ○ 週1・月1勤務可能 ○ 短時間勤務可能 ○ 完全自由出勤 ○ ノルマなし × 掛け持ちOK × 寮・住宅補助あり × 託児所あり ○ アリバイ対策あり ○ 衛生対策あり ○ 生理休暇あり ○ 制服貸与 ○ 備品貸与 ○ 未経験者歓迎 ○ 20代後半歓迎 ○ 30代前半歓迎 ○ 30代後半歓迎 × 40代歓迎 × 50代歓迎 ○ 人妻・主婦歓迎 ○ ぽっちゃりOK ○ タトゥー・傷OK